Field Trip: Museum of Science, Fanueil Hall and Quincy Market

The students visited Massachusetts General Hospital and attended a presentation by Dr. Kelleher on photon therapy for cancer, emphasizing non-chemical approaches to treat […]

Business Press Conference

The students had time to prepare for the upcoming press conference, showcasing their business ventures that have spanned three-quarters of the year. They […]

Law Argumentation Activity

Today, the students participated in a dynamic and entertaining argumentation activity. They went into lively debates on a range of fun topics, including […]

Bridge Building & Wind Turbines

The students had a lesson on various types of bridges, exploring the concepts of forces and structural design. They were given popsicle sticks […]

Business Product Pitch

The students are currently involved in an exciting project where they are designing their own product and company. They are getting ready to […]

Surgical Rounds Part 2

The students were thrilled to do another surgical rounds session led by the TAs. They had a hands-on experience in suturing and dissecting, […]

Connecticut Supreme Court Tour & Special Speaker

Today, the students attended a lecture by Noah Messing, a renowned professor from Yale’s Law School. Professor Messing provided insightful guidance on trial […]

Field Trip: Wood Hole

Today, the students embarked on an early morning field trip to Cape Cod, where they boarded a boat to collect samples of marine […]


The students went to the Boston Museum of Science and learned various scientific processes including AI and learned with hands-on experience in engineering […]

Negotiation Simulation

The students participated in a negotiation simulation, where they were assigned to different parties responsible for negotiating the terms for the installation of […]